Promised Land Ministry Church is a IPHC (International Pentecostal Holiness Church) that serves & impacts the world with God's love

How do we work?

PLM Church is about loving people, reaching our community and impacting the world with God's love and His truth.

Our Team

Rev. Yusak Hentrias Ferry

Rev. Johannes Tarigan has a Doctorate in Theology and serving in Ministry for 35 years.

Ph: (+1) 626 - 234 - 3024

Rev. Johannes Tarigan

Rev. Yusak Hentrias Ferry has Masters background in Missiology & Theology as well as Arts on Intercultural Education and had been serving for 25 years in ministries.

Ph : (+1) 626 - 234 - 3021

Both of them have hearts to serve & plant new churches in all nations.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

– Matthew 28:19 –